
About Us

A few days ago (okay, a few weeks ago, we've been procrastinating) we realized that we have really important opinions about everything media-related. That is, we spend way too much time distracting ourselves with all the entertainment this great country has to offer.

We also realized that most of these opinions are on the things in TV, music, and movies that need to change--ex. Where are the great R&B duets a la Ashanti and Ja Rule? Why has no one made a good shark movie in years, with the technology we have today? How many more crime shows can prime time television really handle?--and then we had a brilliant idea:

Why bitch to each other--and anyone within a hundred feet of us--when we can bitch to the world wide web? 

So this is our blog, where we deal out opinions on the latest in television, movies, and music, all for free. If you disagree with what we say, go bitch about it to someone else.