
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

JT's Absence from the Music Industry: Not Justified

Justin Timberlake needs to go back to singing.

He's a good actor. Good, but not irreplaceable. And that's the thing: why would anyone willingly choose an industry where any basic Ashton-Kutcher-level actor could take your place? Justin isn't hard to watch on the big screen (for more reasons than one) but you don't have to read Making Summer Movies For Dummies to know that casting someone charming, sexy, and of mediocre talent is all you need to get people to line up (see: 'Matthew McConaughey' in 'every movie he's ever been in').

I rest my case.

Case in point, the movie industry can get someone else to roll around naked and exchange witty banter with Mila Kunis, because--Justin, honey, you gotta give us another album. And soon. We're dying here. We've listened Future Sex/Love Sounds to death and we're dying. 

And all these funny little guest spots on late-night television, singing/rapping in a purely comedic manner for our four-minute entertainment? NOT OKAY. You're just teasing us, Justin! It isn't fair! Every SNL Digital Short just reminds us that there hasn't been another "SexyBack" in a very, very long time.

But this is really funny, so watch it.

Justin Timberlake simply cannot be replaced as an artist in the music industry. What's happened since he went off the grid as a pop superstar? Women are taking over the Top 40 hit list. I love Gaga, Nicki, Katy, Rihanna, Ke$ha, and Beyonce (especially Beyonce) as much as the next girl, but even I have to admit they're all kind of starting to blend together--a problem doubly increased now that they all feature in each others' songs. We need Justin to remind us what it means to be a man: a shitload of choreographed dance moves and the vocal range of castrated choir boy.

Bottom line: JT needs to hop back into the studio and back into our lives. He's not a bad actor--in fact, he's fairly good--but he's an insanely good musical artist and it doesn't make sense that he wouldn't dedicate his time to something where he's king instead of something where he's just another court jester.

And if you're wondering if we're going to go see his latest movie, In Time....of course we are. It looks fricking awesome.

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